The original pipe organ at First English Lutheran in Mansfield, Ohio was installed by M.P. Möller in 1950 (Opus 7997). Tonal additions and changes were made on two occasions and minor stopgap repairs occurred, but the condition of the windchests and console had deteriorated nearly to the point of failure.

Tonal Character
Our goal was to create a pipe organ with a bright and warm tonal character, incorporating viable ranks of the existing pipework. All retained pipework was restored, then revoiced and rebalanced to serve in new capacities within the ensemble of the new organ. The entire playing mechanism is new, with the exception of select offset windchests. We restored the beautiful console cabinet, the ivory and ebony manual keyboards, and the pedalboard. New solid state operating systems were installed, along with new drawknob and tilting tablet. A custom music rack was built featuring walnut with bird’s eye maple inlay and a new adjustable bench with backrest was provided.
Firm Foundation
From the softest stops to full organ, the instrument is now versatile and exciting, providing a firm foundation for the church’s music ministry.