Restore & Rebuild
In the 2010 project at the First United Methodist Church of London, Ohio, Muller Pipe Organ Company installed a new 4-rank Antiphonal Organ to support congregational singing in the far reaches of the sanctuary. Also as part of the project, additions and revisions were made to the 1894 Johnson & Son chancel organ.

Definition & Clarity
In the Great Organ, a 1-3/5′ Tierce was added. Although it might seem an inappropriate addition to an 1894 instrument, it is interesting to note that many mixtures of this period included a Tierce rank. In the Swell, some stops were retrofitted with unit actions to allow appropriate borrowing. Also, a 1-1/3′ Quint replaced the 4′ Violina. In the Pedal, the 1894 Open Diapason was a full compass of open wood pipes. While typical of the period, more definition and clarity is now generally appreciated in the treble ranges of this stop, so to rectify this situation, new open metal pipes replaced open woods from 8′ C. Also, a new Trombone replaced an inadequately scaled 1980s addition.
Crowning Glory
The flues of the new Antiphonal division are treated as an unenclosed Choir. In the original Johnson & Sons organ, the Great and Swell diapasons possess similar power, so we voiced the Antiphonal principals to complement the 1894 pipes. A new, capped metal flute was chosen as the 8′ foundation of the division. This pipe construction is not found elsewhere in the organ, and these pipes are voiced with color and warmth and a modest amount of articulation. The crowning glory of the instrument is the new solo Tuba. Full and round, the Tuba soars over the full organ.

Custom Built
New casework for the Antiphonal was designed and custom built to match the chancel casework (constructed in 1996 by Muller). A vintage, three manual console of solid mahogany was purchased to accommodate the addition of the Antiphonal division. The console cabinet and keyboards were completely restored, and the operating system was updated to solid state.