Inspirational Experience

The new 82-rank Muller pipe organ at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Little Rock, Arkansas was built in the American Classic tradition as developed by the Aeolian-Skinner Company. In great measure,it is modeled after the G. Donald Harrison instrument at All Saints Episcopal Church in Worcester, Massachusetts.

The organ has complete choruses in each division and is notable for the warmth of its strings and foundation stops, the variety of its flutes and solo reeds, as well as for the brilliance of its ensemble and fiery French-style chorus reeds.

The beautiful custom-built console is a measured reproduction Aeolian-Skinner. The cabinet is constructed of quarter-sawn and rift-cut white oak with walnut interior. The moveable console features tracker touch keyboards of bone naturals and ebony sharps. It is also fully equipped with a multiple memory level combination action, MIDI, transposer, and a record/playback sequencer.

Centerpiece Instrument

The Cathedral is ecstatic about the instrument and it is truly the centerpiece for the active music program. The organ provides each liturgy an endless variety of inspiring hymns, choral accompaniments and solo organ works. Together with the quality program at the Cathedral, the Muller organ offers each churchgoer a truly inspirational experience in worship.